A great lesson in side lying which reminds the nervous system that the center of the body can and should move. You’re reprogramming your spine to bend.
Great for improving awarene...
A great lesson in side lying which reminds the nervous system that the center of the body can and should move. You’re reprogramming your spine to bend.
Great for improving awarene...
While this lesson looks like it’s doing abdominals, it’s meant to pandiculate and release your abs and lower back!
Excellent lesson for releasing your tight back muscles by ...
Introducere la scanarea soma si bazele respiratiei abdominale.
O lectie ce va aduce sensibilizarea catre abdomenul inferior, o zona neglijata.
Este deasemenea important sa efectu...
Exploring lifting from your belly/front side. Excellent movement to revive your back and to pandiculate and relax gluteals.